Malware Infections Rising Despite Use of Anti-Phishing Tools

Malware Infections Rising Despite Use of Anti-Phishing Tools

Despite increased use of anti-phishing tools, malware infections continue to rise. This blog post explores why this is happening, delving into the evolving threat landscape, human error, outdated software, inadequate tool configuration, and limited coverage of anti-phishing tools. It provides insights on adopting a more holistic approach to ensure robust cybersecurity.

OT and IT Security | Understanding Their Vital Differences:

OT and IT Security | Understanding Their Vital Differences:

This week’s post delves into the realms of technology governance, specifically Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT). Although often used interchangeably, they have unique characteristics and security needs. The post highlights the differences between IT and OT, the reasons why OT security is often overlooked, and the significance of conducting an OT security risk assessment. This assessment is key to identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities, ensuring the protection of vital systems that underpin industries and infrastructure.